Monday, September 22, 2014

Passion Project 2k14

For my passion project, Kristi and I are planning a powder puff game between cheer and drill where football will cheer. We are doing this to raise money for cheer and drill so that we can have a little bit of extra money in our wish book account. For example if we wanted to get new bows or uniform parts we would have that extra money to use. This event would be a great way to bring in funds and be fun to watch! Cheer has some money in the wish book account but we have to use it for nationals and not everyone goes to nationals so we think it would be good to have that extra money for the people who aren't doing nationals as well. That way the money isn't just going to the competitive team. 

This Year we have 21 girls and that's a lot of bows and uniform pieces! Our bows are much too big for our heads so we wanted to raise money to get new bows, and have extra money left over for other small things. Such as pink socks for pink out or, face tattoos  for games, new cheer shoes halfway through the season. Cuz boy those shoes get nasty and smelly! Cheer has wanted to do a powder puff game for awhile now so we figured this would be the perfect time to plan it!  

1 comment:

  1. This is an awesome idea! What a great way for a fundraiser! Not to mention how much fun it would be to play against y'all!
